About This Site
DriveClean – A Guide to Clean and Efficient Cars
DriveClean is a resource for car buyers that are looking to find the cleanest, most efficient car that meets their driving needs. DriveClean was developed by the California Air Resources Board to provide information, tools and resources to learn about advanced vehicle technologies and incentives to help everyone find the cleanest car that suits their lifestyle. In 2020, DriveClean.ca.gov became DriveClean-California.org as part of a redesign that coordinated with other state websites and partner programs, such as ElectricForAll.org.
DriveClean provides Fuel Economy and Environment Label information such as the Smog Rating and Greenhouse Gas Rating for each car sold in California to help car buyers understand and compare pollution levels. Smog Ratings are provided for all vehicles from 2000 to present. Greenhouse Gas Ratings are available for 2009 and newer model year vehicles. Vehicle and emissions data are sourced from FuelEconomy.gov and updated regularly.
Additional Resources
California Air Resources Board